New Pc Spec Check!

6 Apr 2009
Exeter, Uk
Hi Guys,

Looking at putting together a new rig, this is the shopping list so far.. Any comments would be great. I'll be using it for some heavy number crunching as well as gaming..

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £974.15
(includes shipping: £12.60)

Plus could anyone recommend a good 24"-28" monitor, I'll also be using it for graphics editing, so if possible should ideally have a good flat colour gradient across the viewing angle (have a Samsung Syncmaster 2333 at the moment and colours are slightly darker above eye level than below, it's not usually noticeable but when editing it can make a noticeable difference)..

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Thanks for spec list, looks really good. So for the OC are there any specific values I need to enter for the CPU multipliers and ring/cache ratios for the 4.5GHz?

Never tried water cooling before, does the fan just attach to the top case vent, I guess it'll say in it's install flyer. Was tempted by the Cougar power supply as its got power usage diagnostics but not a big thing, the EVGA does look pretty cool.. Lol on the green fan, might even be tempted :) Get a two-tone blue and green thing happening :)

At the moment I've got a Gainward Phantom GTX 760 gfx card that I can port and a fairly decent older one I can put in my current pc, so was thinking of waiting a few months for a new GPU til I knew if I wanted VR support..

Not sure, I seem to remember they come out pretty close to each other on most benchmark reviews, but seem to remember 5280k came out slightly on top ~10% for most number crunching, but 6700K came out slightly on top ~10% for most games. Did have a really good benchmark results link (see below), but just google benchmark/tests for either/both of the processors for other info..,review-33276.html

I also went for the 6700K as it's part of the main Intel 6th Gen stream so thought it would give me more options and be better future-proofed .. Wouldn't know where to start OCing a 5820K though.. :) !
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