New PC spec ... comments?

12 Jan 2004
AMD Athlon 64x2 4800+ (AM2)
Asus M2N32-Sli-Deluxe
2Gb g.Skill pc2-6400cas4 ram
Asus GeForce 7900GTX
2x Maxtor DM+10 160 (RAID0)
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy4
Thermaltake Aguila Case
Antec Phantom 500w PSU
WinXP pro x64

This seems to come to around £1450 at present (OCUK web prices)

Anyone think i am missing out on anything or recomend anything i could get better? I don't want to exceed £1500


ps ... one additional point ... i can either buy now or realistically i can wait until around early July if that makes any difference in terms of new hardware coming out i should wait for...i know i can wait forever but current PC is slowly starting to show signs of giving up the ghost sometime soon
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CPU: Get the 4400+ It can easily be OC'd to 4800 speeds and will save you money
GFX: Get an ATI X1900XT. Cheaper and faster than a 7900
PSU: Not sure about these but if I was spending this much money on a PC [which I did recently :p] I would go for a Tagan, Enermax, Hiper or Seasonic PSU.
HDD: RAID0 is pointless and gives you twice the chance that you will lose all your data. RAID0 is silly imo with the best HDDs - I certainly wouldn't use Maxtors. Best drives out at the moment are the Hitachi Deskstars, the Seagate Barracudas [.10 revision] and of course the Western Digital Raptors [bloody expensive though but by far the fastest ATA drives]

EDIT: I wouldn't bother with WinXP 64 because afaik there aren't many gains to be had and Vista is out pretty soon if youre so inclined.

If you wait another month or two you will be able to buy a Conroe system which will out perform an AMD system. Just depends how soon you need a new rig. Having said that your spec is a fine beast of a rig and should last you years.

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