New PC time.

23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
Yeah so my current rig is going to the missus now, we were both going to get the Xbox One's come November but decided to stick with PC's this gen so I've been the go ahead to get what I want :)

What I have currently is the 7970 Lightening (due to get to me next week), I want the Corsair 650 D case, everything else needs speccing. Oh and I have monitors, O/S, keyboard, Mouse etc.

Budget up to £1500 but don't have to spend it all, I was thinking I could get another 7970 with that budget, crossfire?

Guys, I have fallen in love with the Corsair 350D case. What repucissions will it have choosing this over what I have spec'd already, I know it's a Micro ATX case so a smaller mobo would be needed but is that all I'd need to change?

Edit: Been researching for ages, a lot have have two gfx cards in there but the Lightnings are so damn big I don't think it's worth the hassle plus the cooling will be awful.
Yeah, they'd fit but would be so tight. Not happy with the 650 D anymore, I wish the 350 D was bigger, I really love that case :(

I've seen how big the Lightening is, it's basically touching the PSU and would be about 2cm off the other card, the cooling would be awful?
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