New pc wont boot into windows

20 Mar 2006
Hi guys,

Just built new pc;

Amd 3500
2 x 1gig Geil value ram
XFX Geforce 7900gt pci-e
Audigy 2 zs

When i turned it on, it came on fine, i can get into the bios etc, but for some reason it will not boot into windows.
I put my old HDD with my old windows boots on it, it got to the part where you choose the OS ( I have 3 installs of windows on it) and when i select any one
i get a blue screen pop up for 1 second and the pc reboots.

So then i put a totally different hard drive in, so it just had 1 hdd. I done fresh install of xp on it, and same problem, it done all the installation part but wouldnt boot into the actual desktop itself.
So then i formatted that and installed Ubuntu linux, same problem it wouldnt actually boot into the desktop just gave some X graphic error.

I'm assuimg this is my graphics cards problem. I tried some options in the bios for the SLI part and none made any difference.

Anyone got any ideas at all?

Like I said, i put a BRAND new HDD in aswell, done fresh install of windows and it does not want to load a desktop. Also tried linux.

Btw, i have a Tagan 580w PSU, and Zalman cooler.

I'm guessing the problem is Graphics card/memory problem, windows wouldnt even boot in safe mode, it halted on some files when trying to load.

This problem has totally baffled me :confused:
thanks for the replies, i checked temps, they were 30 for cpu and 31 for board.

I think this is ram too, i only ever tried with the two sticks + im not too sure theyre in the right place ( I have 4 slots- the manual said to put them in the far left, then leave one empty then put 2nd stick in 3rd from left then leave 4th empty.)
I'll try playing with the memory and tell you if anything changes.

Well, doesn't look like Ram issue :(

Tried just 1 stick, in all 4 slots, also tried my stick from other pc, same problem.

Also wiped another HDD, re installed windows and yet again, when it gets to the point where the pc reboots to the screen where you get the pictures/est time left at bottom left it just goes black and doesnt go that far. Very strange problem...

Guess the next step is try a pci graphics card, any ideas?
:rolleyes: problem solved last night, for some reason when i tried a Sata HDD, windows installed fine. Guess my board doesnt like IDE
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