New Pc

7 Nov 2013
Hello all,

I'm looking at getting a new pc and knowledge is very limited.

I'm wanting to play games like Battlefield 4 and Titanfall (When it comes out) I'd like the pc to be able to handle those games comfortably at their highest settings in big resolutions.

I know this won't be cheap I have a budget of around £1800 but obviously would rather spend less if possible! But happy to pay it if not.

I'd also like the pc to last a little while.. I know how quickly hardware can get outdated but I'd just want it to cope with any new games that may come out for at least a little while! So I'd be looking to get mainly top of the range stuff.

I'd want to include a monitor but no need for mouses keyboards etc I've got hundreds!

Any help is appreciated.
Thank you sir!

Obviously having two GFX cards would give me more power, but what are the advantages of Crossfire/SLI would this benefit me a great deal?

I want to get as good as I can get and hope for the pc to last me a while. So will push the budget a little if its going to benefit me a lot in the long run.

Thanks for the help mate, looks good to me I appreciate it greatly. :)
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