Something you might not see every day - picked this up while doing a house clearance a while ago, it’s a PC from possibly around 2000 still in its original box and never been used! Given as a gift apparently and never opened. Got an unopened monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers to go along with it too!
Has a 500mhz Celeron, 6gb hard drive, Rage Pro Turbo and Windows ME (ugh). Also the ubiquitous floppy drive and 52x CD reader Just booted it up and it’s gone though all the “new hardware” stuff which makes me think this thing’s literally never been turned on let alone used. Everything’s all shiny and pristine inside it too (although it doesn’t look it from my terrible photo lol)
Thought it was cool anyway, might use it as a retro gaming system or give it away.
You really do forget just how loud these old hard drives spin!
Has a 500mhz Celeron, 6gb hard drive, Rage Pro Turbo and Windows ME (ugh). Also the ubiquitous floppy drive and 52x CD reader Just booted it up and it’s gone though all the “new hardware” stuff which makes me think this thing’s literally never been turned on let alone used. Everything’s all shiny and pristine inside it too (although it doesn’t look it from my terrible photo lol)
Thought it was cool anyway, might use it as a retro gaming system or give it away.
You really do forget just how loud these old hard drives spin!