New phone.. any suggestions?

24 Jul 2006
My contracts ending next month, and i want to get a new phone coz i cant stand my sony errikson k750i's rubbish joystick any longer!!! any suggestions about whats the best around at the moment?? im looking for something that isnt too bulky.. so no pda phones!!!! he he he..

lou :confused:
it does have the joystick. However i had the k750 and know exactly where you are coming from on that issue and i can honestly say that the one on the k800 feels a lot sturdier. Plus the phone in general is top notch.
hmm.. i may have to give it a try!! still worried about the whole joystick issue though..

i need something to compare it to! he he - any joystick free phones that are decent and coming out in the near future??

how about the new samsung one? are they any good??

thanks, lou!!!
well, the nokia n73 might be available but there are longstanding issues with the speed of the o.s on the n-series phones.

And like you say there is the samsung range, specifically the d900.

Really it comes down to what your wanting from the phone. If its designer looks and small size then the sammy wins, if its image quality your after then its the s.e all the way.
hmm yes, im not too worried about the pic quality coz i have a digi cam which goes everywhere with me, but i dont want it to be rubbish!!!

i shall have to keep investigating and work out what i need and want!!

ta lou ;)
rmuir said:
well, the nokia n73 might be available but there are longstanding issues with the speed of the o.s on the n-series phones.

And like you say there is the samsung range, specifically the d900.

Really it comes down to what your wanting from the phone. If its designer looks and small size then the sammy wins, if its image quality your after then its the s.e all the way.

I prefer the joystick on the K800i than the N73.. the N73 joystick is quite poor IMO
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