New Porcupine Tree album teaser up

1 Oct 2003

I'm absolutely loving how this album sounds! It's definately sounding like the heaviest PT album yet, with some 7 string/Low B riffing in there, I simply can't wait. It sounds tight, melodic and producued masterfully even from these little clips.

I went to see them with a bandmate when they were doing the small tour to demo this new material to see how the fans received it, it's strange how much of it comes back listening to these clips.

The next couple of months are shaping up to me awesome music wise, new Porcupine Tree, Marillion, Rush and Dream Theater albums, :D!!!!
Tommy B said:
Been listening to these guys all evening and I'm convinced they are my favourite band of all time. Just got through about 4 albums.

Yeah! :D I must have listened to the teaser about 15 times now :p
Anesthetize, DEFINATELY although the above poster is right, the album is truely supposed to be listened to as a whole. Although it's difficult to pick a favourite, the title track has the best lyrics, but then again My Ashes is also fantastic, argh it's impossible to choose :D

I've already listened it through 3 times tonight, once reading the lyrics. It's my favourite PT album and has beat In Absentia :o Never thought it'd happen.

I love the concept, and the music is the best PT has ever written imo.

I'm also very glad of the heavier sound :D The big riffing section in the middle of Anesthetize is just phenomenal :D
I'm not particularly into 'Heavy' music (I like the occasional bit of Opeth and Meshuggah) but when PT do 'heavy' it's just groovy as hell and not there for the sake of it, like the riffs in Deadwing and Blackest Eyes, they're simple but just rockin' :D
dmpoole said:
I'm a massive prog fan but I came the route of ELP, Kansas, Yes, Grace, Dream Theater etc so I've missed out on Porcupine Tree.

Recommended listening?

They're really not prog cliché prog to be honest, the frontman of PT (Steven Wilson) says he doesn't think PT should be described as prog, as the music is inherently simple and follows non of the usual prog clichés.

In my opinion the production, arrangement and often (especially with the latest album) the concepts and themes of the albums/songs are more progressive.

Basically this is besides the point, as anyone who's into good music should find something they like in PT. In Absentia / Fear of a Blank Planet, Lightbulb Sun (or Stupid Dream as the former is a hard to find) and Signify follow a good range of their more commercial sounding stuff, I've put the first 2 together as they're quite similar sounding, the next 2 are more acoustic/indie sounding, and the last is a more experimental album. There's also a good few other albums which are based around studio improvisations too and soundscapes which are also wonderful in their own special way (On The Sunday of Life, Voyage 34, The Sky Moves Sideways) :D
Triad2000 said:
The 'heavy' bit is about 6-7 mins in. Just doesn't work. It's like someone randomly slips in Metallica for 3 minutes of the song. Just doesn't flow. They should stick to the melody which they are good at.

Are you talking about the middle section of Anesthetize? I think it's brilliantly introduced and creates a strong dynamic contrast to the opening and closing sections, which bookend the heavy section. In my opinon the album would be quite sonically one sided apart from the opening track, which has it's fair section of heavy sections.
Aye Blank Planet is definately my album of the year, it absolutely knocks the socks off DT's latest offering in my opinion, but I think I'm personally getting tired of the more technical side of prog anyway.
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