New Portable audio set up

27 Nov 2004
North Beds
Hey guys,

My first foray into portable audio, now that i've started commuting on the train :)


Bought the iPod 2nd hand from AndyBTSN and it's VERY good condition, if you you know ipods you'll know the rears scratch just by even looking at them:


iPod picture 2

The tin of mints is actually a CMOY amp reccomended by Electric ant in:

Custom built from america, took under a week to come even though it was over the new year! Sounds good, makes quite a nice difference, it's Very well made and nicely finished:


Now to the most special bit, the earphones!



IEM pic 3

IEM pic 4

Ultimate Ears Triple.Fi 10, triple driver in ear monitors

EXTREMELY good, I have a pair of beyer dynamic DT770 for home listening, and these blow them away! Good response all the way from low to crisp highs, and it's all tight! Even the ridiculously low bass extension is held nice and tight, makes listening to any well recorded music a dream :) Good sound isolation too, perfect for on the train! They are expensive at ~£200, but if you're using them every day, worth it! Replaceable leads too, so no worries about the most fragile part breaking :)

removeable lead

All in all, very happy with it all so far!

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Excellent setup you've got there.

Now you just need to send your iPod in to get iModded, and upgrade that CMoy to a Ray Samuels Tomahawk. ;)

so basically the headphones are good? :p Ill probably still use the ipod unamped for the gym so i'll leave that be, and i cant justify £100+ quite yet on a headphone amp :p

they ave very good bass response....full AND tight! due to them having 3 drivers they can comfortably reproduce all the sound range without struggling, and tbh they have better bass than my DT770s that are RENOWNED for their bass! you can't feel it as much obviously as it's straight in your ear but my you cam hear every little (or big!) bass note

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