New Portfolio Concept

4 Feb 2011
In an effort to really try and get the best out of my 'concept', I thought I'd try and get some constructive feedback from people. It's still in a very early stage, but it's the overall look and feel I'm trying to hit before plowing more time into it.

It's meant to portray exactly as it's titled "unique". I've also tried to subliminally add in (via the tone/layout) my love of games and film. It might sound stupid, but you tend to get these things when you look at something graphical (or maybe that's just my delusional way of looking at it!) ;)

I'd try and ignore the wording, as it needs some time, effort and most importantly 'spellchecking' put into it (not just a quick 10 minute type-out).

Any sort of feedback, criticism or props would be most gratefully appreciated.
18 Oct 2003
I thought I'd respond in kind. Although, you're planning a single page site? There's not a lot to critique.

It certainly is unique. It feels a bit GW2 like with the brushed dark band.

There are quite a few things bugging me though:
- I'm not keen on the eye next to the top title. It's blurry, and blurs into the wording. I'm not sure on the overall purpose of the eye either. I get the I/Eye, but you seem to be keen on eyes and I'm not sure why. Eyes are always a bit freaky.
- I feel the top title plays second fiddle to the one in the band next to the main eye, which is so dark and heavy compared to the rest of the page.
- The text is just a massive block. It needs splitting up, shortening, some iconography.
- The footer is centralised but everything else is left aligned. The main eye is centralised but I feel that should be further right so it balances with the section below.

Hope thats useful.
4 Feb 2011
Very useful indeed, thank you! :)

It'll be multiple pages, but I didn't want to commit to further pages until I'd bolted down "the concept" so to speak. Content pages for me work much better when I'm totally happy with the overall look and feel of things.

The eye thing is based on the slightly wayward idea of you being watched or 'watching', putting that all together meaning you're watching or being watched by something unique. It's a random thought-process behind bending the normal and it seeming like the eyes are watching you. It's not easy to explain, but I wanted to portray a "watching" and "be watched" sort of thing. I'm sure that probably won't make a great deal of sense?

The eye itself is quite difficult to sharpen, so looking at either scrapping and re-thinking what to swap it with, or simply sticking with it.

Fair point on the top title, might think of a better way to 'split' these two more evenly so they don't detract from one another.

The text will be split over multiple tabs with various icons and graphics to support/break-up the monotony. For the purpose of the concept, it was just to fill space so there was no massive space gaps in the screenshot.

Good point on the footer and right aligning of the main eye, that's fairly obvious now you've pointed it out!

Much appreciated. Ta! :)
5 Feb 2006
im a bit confused as to what this is. a place to show off your work ? and then it also basically holds your cv ?

right now. its chaotic. design should be for designs sake. why have you got. wood, rock, and astronaut and this unique obsession thing ? it makes no sense.

if this is to show off your work. then the work should be what really nicely stands out. at the moment its going to be a bit smothered by all this random stuff floating around.

obviously its your stuff. if you decide to use wood. use something nicer. bit more texture. doesnt look like it was made in photoshop. ditch the unique obsession thing, definitely in its current form. basically looks ugly and unprofessional.

again, good design. is subtle. at the moment its being a bit rammed down my throat like a sordid porn film
4 Feb 2011
im a bit confused as to what this is. a place to show off your work ? and then it also basically holds your cv ?

right now. its chaotic. design should be for designs sake. why have you got. wood, rock, and astronaut and this unique obsession thing ? it makes no sense.

if this is to show off your work. then the work should be what really nicely stands out. at the moment its going to be a bit smothered by all this random stuff floating around.

obviously its your stuff. if you decide to use wood. use something nicer. bit more texture. doesnt look like it was made in photoshop. ditch the unique obsession thing, definitely in its current form. basically looks ugly and unprofessional.

again, good design. is subtle. at the moment its being a bit rammed down my throat like a sordid porn film

Sorry I missed your comment, it's been a hectic few weeks.

I'd honestly started my portfolio/cv with zero direction and a very swayed vision of what I wanted. I hadn't got a clue about the 'end goal' and the mass of ideas accompanied by total lack of direction resulted in these monstrosities.

I appreciate your feedback and you are absolutely right, they simply don't work. I definitely didn't want rammed down the throat like a sordid porn film as my hook! :(

I've since sat down and actually spent time re-designing and re-thinking the whole UX of the site. I'm 100% happy with what I've now finished!

Here's the link, if you're interested: (the final version has the red bar reduced in size, as it's too tall in this).
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