New Prelude drivers out

5 Oct 2005
UK - Paignton
Change Log from Previous Drivers:

Driver update April 25th 2008
Updated: April 29th 2008


* Corrects "Error I-001" seen by some users with RC4 driver
* Dolby® Digital Live SW Feature (DDL)
* ALchemy Application
* Volume Control Panel
* SW Bug Fixes requested by Auzentech.
* DDL license notice and trademark acknowledgements
* Input window fix
* DDL plugin update
* Driver bug fix on the BSOD during clock switch

Patch 1.0

1. Audio Distortion when using DDL
* Important Note: In order for this fix to work, DDL must be enabled before start of the game playing.
* If DDL is enabled during the game playing, some audio distortion might still appear.

2. VOIP in game suddenly stop working
* WOW: VOIP operation is smooth in ‘World of Warcraft’.
* BF2: The following sources of information are available on VOIP issues in Battlefield 2
o Visit the BF2 Discussion on VOIP in BF2
Visit the BF2 Forum
o Electronic Arts official forum website has reported issues with VOIP. There is a patch V1.41 available.
Search the EA Nation Forum

3. MIC volume Issue
* Updated in Game mode.
* Note: The MIC sound from analog port comes out with distortion/noise.

4. Memory utilization keep increasing with the Console Launcher.
* The memory utilization increment is either very small (a few kbytes) each time you change mode, or no noticeable increase at all.

This was posted up on Monday originally but pulled from the site due to some cab errors on the still worked fine for other languages btw) but its made a swift return on the site this morning.

Nice to see mic/game voip changes fixes listed which has caused problems for some people even if it is very bare information to go on.
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