new project on skelly naming

2 Jan 2011
Edinburgh, Scotland
Since G-Dubs got quite a few good suggestions for naming his new project, I have decided to come here to ask what to call my new project :)

the case will be an Antec Skeleton white model, with all the black parts sprayed orange, with two 360mm rads, so it will be watercooled of course :p

I honestly have absolutely no idea on what to call this, so can you guys please help me out? :D
Project: Dem Bones
Project: Bones
Project: Cranium (Part of the skeleton and the Antec Skeleton looks like it could be a head on a robot)
Thinking about getting KiiYzOo on a 5.25" bay cover like in VoOdOo's mod after reading your suggestion avathar :p
what about "iSkeleton" LOL too played out huh?

I really like Youngsters idea, Im horrible at name thats why all my builds are named "VOoDOo ______". Great to hear your doing a skeleton mod, make us proud KiiYzOo!!!!

Is this what your looking for KiiYzOo??

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The skeleton baddie on Mario Brothers is called "DryBones" (according to my five year old... I had no idea lol) so as this is watercooled, maybe it could be "WetBones" :)
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