New project what would you like to see.

23 Apr 2016
Hey all, I'd thought I'd open up a new thread to see what project designs you would like to see.

Looking a a game style theme. Such as overwatch or the new dawn of war game or more specific like the 40k universe.

Im all up for ideas that you would like to see as I intend to put some major time and effort in to produce a good project for you all to see.

Let me know what you would like to see.
After thought I'm thinking space marine build full water cooling. Unsure of parts yet but what I have kind of set on is that the tubing is going to be glass my thinking behind this is that it keeps everything pure and crystal clear.

I may regret this when I actually go ahead with it but I think that the final product will be crisp and really show it off

As much as I would love to do a water-cooled goat I don't think I could do it. Also it would be a big eye sore seeing a goat everything your gaming... I may as well make a button so when I turn it on it makes a goat sound
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