new ram/ old board

23 Mar 2006
I am slowly building a new machine piece by piece, monies tight.
I have an old socket a mobo, i will be buying something prob 939 based in next 6 months.
The question is can I buying the ram now and use it on my old board for a while?

I know i wont get the performance from it on the old board, but it save me buying old ram for my current board, which i will not be using soon, and the ram will not be sat around.

should be fine, however, word of caution - if you intend on clocking you ram later on, you should run at the correct timmings and volts.
I have had problems with clocking ram back to the speed it was originaly at after being put in another system.
thank you, i cannot overclock on my current machine, but want to build an overclockable machine later and use this ram then. so what your saying is, it cannot be overcclocked in 2 different machines? which is great.
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