New RAM Performance help

18 Nov 2020
Hi All

I recently installed some of the below:

I'm not sure what the readings are meant to be but I've been told they are a little low. Trying to figure out why this might be. The low write speed I've been told is an AMD CPU related thing. Something to do with a single ccd? Not entirely technical on these things.

Latency also seem a little higher then expected for such brilliant ram.

To confirm, running Dual ram in correct slots Dimm A2 and Dimm B2

Any help appreciated.

The only value slightly low is copy. It should be about ~50,000 but aida can be weird sometimes. Make sure all programs are closed when you run the benchmark and don't even move the mouse after you click start benchmark.

Your board might have auto trained some slower values which also might explain the copy performance. I can say with RAM like that you can easily set tRC to 50 (it's probably set at 84 or something by default).
The only value slightly low is copy. It should be about ~50,000 but aida can be weird sometimes. Make sure all programs are closed when you run the benchmark and don't even move the mouse after you click start benchmark.

Your board might have auto trained some slower values which also might explain the copy performance. I can say with RAM like that you can easily set tRC to 50 (it's probably set at 84 or something by default).

Thanks Greg.

I've set tRC to 50 (it was at 80 default) and results below. Not a huge difference really. Think I need to do some fine tuning. I've tried running 3800 with higher voltage etc but it's just not stable when gaming.

Nearly a 500 increase on read, nice!

I managed to get a comparable result from elsewhere. 2x8gb 3600c14 xmp on a 5900x.


I forgot that the 50k copy you should have is likely due to that being dual rank ram screenshots I've seen (even this 5900x single rank can't do it at xmp). Basically I think your RAM is performing as it should. 57ns is a really good xmp latency. I'm also not entirely sure but I also think that having a 2 ccd chip does give you slgihtly higher read and copy results over say a 5800x due to slightly higher boosting and other stuff.
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I'm in the process of putting this 3600cl14 ram to 4000 and hopefully getting to cl16 or as close as.

So far I've ran numerous benchmarks with timings I've put in. Just looking for further input from anyone with what they think could be improved.

Latency is fairly decent and timings can be homed in a little more no doubt but just need to figure out where I can tighten things a little more.

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