New RAM.. problem persists.. :(

18 Mar 2006
Hey guys..

I'm getting a blue screen in games whenever I try and run two sticks of RAM in my PC, Dual or Single Channel. When I run just one stick my PC runs beautifully with no crashes whatsoever.

I've posted about this problem on here before and other forums and was advised it was probably down to my RAM. I've just gone out and swapped my GeIL value RAM for some Corsair Value RAM but the problem is still happening although now I get a blue screen when my PC crashes whereas with the GeIL my PC would just restart and then my motherboard would beep at me signaling a RAM problem.

Anyway, I don't get time to read all of the blue screen (although I am pretty sure most of it is such junks of text with no real relevance to what has caused the problem) but I do see something that says ''driver_irql_not_less_or_equal'. Anyone know what this means? And after about 10 seconds of showing the blue screen my PC restarts and then I get a pop up error telling me my system has just recovered from a serious system error an when I clicked 'Send Error Report' it took me to this page..

I also checked in my system event viewer and there was a system error that said 'Error code 00000050, parameter1 a8208000, parameter2 00000001, parameter3 bfb3eb6d, parameter4 00000000.'

I am just totally unsure now as to what the problem could be..... I thought it might be the DIMM slots on my motherboard rather than the RAM itself but I tried a single stick of RAM at a time in both green slots and everything ran fine so the individual slots are okay, it's just when I put the RAM in at the same time (in both green slots) the crashes start.

Things I've tried,

Ran memtest for hours, no problems.
Updated motherboard and graphics card drivers.
Flashed bios to the latest versions
Checked CPU, Graphics Card and Hard Drive temperatures which are all fine
Set RAM timings myself and increased the RAM voltage a little..

Any ideas?
Hi, it sounds to me like the board is being picky about compatibility of RAM. You might be best to visit the mobo website or contact them and see what RAM they recommend for dual channel, or it is the memory controler on the CPU that is causing the BSOD problem, as the A64 chip has the memory controler built in.

Failing that, do this to get the actually stop BSOD, as if you get the error code as well, then you can search:

Right click 'My Computer' Goto properties, click the advance tab, Clicking setting on the startup and recovery bit, then uncheck automatic restart.

This will give you the stop code and you can search, but you have to reset the PC via the reset button to re-start.

I went on to their forums and asked and they said that both my RAM modules were compatible, even though I've heard there are conflicts between MSI and GeIL.

Anyway, a lot of them seem to be adamant it's my PSU...
Have you checked the CPU is fine, maybe the VCore undervolts?

Download Stress Prime (Prime95 in GUI form) and use the Small FFT torture test to stress the CPU, set priority to 9 or 10 (this will make the system unresponsive but it tests fine)

[edit]you have a dual core CPU so you need to run two instances from two different folders and set each one to a different core to stress both cores[/edit]
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