New Remote Control - Options?

29 Sep 2004
Wilt of the Shire
Currently got a Harmony One which I've had for several years and has been great. However, a couple of the buttons are sticking and not working properly, I've tried cleaning them but still the same. What are the options for a remote similar to this? I see the newer Harmony's come with a hub and I'm not sure if I want to pay £250 + for the top model. Is the Harmony range still the best remote or are there alternatives?
It's probably the cheapest semi-programmable remote. Other options offer far more customisability, and larger touchscreen areas, and less crowded button space, and are easier to read/use... but they cost more.
I've had the Harmony Elite since 2017 it's been real good. The hub is fantastic too as all my AV equipment is under the stairs behind the TV.

Don't pay £200+ for it though, it's been reduced to £115-150 on many occasions if you can wait.
Harmony Ultimate or Elite.

The Ultimate can be had for as little as £40 - £50, I picked one up off the mm for that price, with all cables and hub and 2 more off eBay for a little more than that.

As pointed out earlier the Elite is usually discounted to £115ish its usually during black Friday on Amazon it's at this price and during the Amazon summer sale, use camel camel camel to check.
The Harmony remotes are great with smart home stuff too. Can set lights, heating, smart plugs etc with it too.

Tried one, too dumbed down with wizards etc, and wouldn't allow me to do what I wanted, put whether I wanted where, own activities, with linking to other devices, some buttons from one device, buttons from another, with macros on specific buttons, with goto link pages etc.
Tried one, too dumbed down with wizards etc, and wouldn't allow me to do what I wanted, put whether I wanted where, own activities, with linking to other devices, some buttons from one device, buttons from another, with macros on specific buttons, with goto link pages etc.

I agree it is locked down a fair bit with customising things. Its always done everything I've wanted it to do though.
If you can excuse the potato pic, it's working perfectly fine with my Nest still


If you purchase a remote now it doesn't work.

You must still be on a nest account, last year Google integrated nest with Google home. Google sent an optional email out to update the account, I did and it broke the integration unfortunately I didn't know it would do that at the time.

Infact it's still on the remote and broken, I pushed it to the end of the list as I can't find a way to remove it. It just shows like this when you click it

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