New Rider and New Bike (Yamaha XVS650)

1 Sep 2009
So currrently doing my DAS, passed module 1 and have my module 2 test on June 27th.

To spur me on and to give me something to do while waiting I purchased my very first bike.

I have been somewhat restricted on what I can ride due to the fact in a 5ft2 female with short legs, something like a 27" inside leg...

So I chose the Yamaha XVS 650 05 plate, 650cc

Paid £2,775 which looks like a bargain as the 1997 bikes are still holding that on ebay.

Very chuffed with it. Now im just toying around with the idea of a custom purple and blue flip paint job :)


Looks like a nice example you've got there :D. I'm sure this is the same model bike my mate has, although I'm not totally sure as it's not the type of bike I ride, not yet anyway hah.

Best of luck with your DAS as well :).
WOW WOW WOW... just in work looking at this and laughed out loud... not at you but that's ace. I see name "Foxxy", and doing my DAS... then I scroll down to see this monster, I wasn't expecting that at all.

That bike looks ace... seriously nice... not my cuppa, but blimey, that's a brute of a bike. Looks in fantastic condition as well...

Good idea buying the bike, I do that all the time. Before I passed my car licence years ago, I bought my Pug 205 1.9 GTI in red and waxed it for 2 months while I was learnign to drive... it weighed 5kg heavier through wax lol.

Did the same with my DAS a few weeks ago, basically already bought the bike ready as soon as I passed... this meant there was no option of failure, it was a matter of turning up and giving me the certificate that I deserved lol.

EDIT: Forgot to say, I love that original colour, however yeah some flip colour or a blue pearl would look VERY sweet on that!
Nice bike Foxxy and good luck with MOD2!:D

Do you know if the bike has noisy exhausts on it?

Oh Linkex, 26th October.... Yes, need a B&B that is biker friendly:D
Thanks guys, really apprechiate the comments. I have come to notice that not many people seem to be listing cruiser's as their prefered ride, but like I said im somewhat limited! :). I do like sports bikes, but my ideal bike is something which can get me round europe with a tent strapped on the back. My end goal is to do Route 66 on a Harley.

It doesnt seem to noisy either, just a nice grumble, not offensive in anyway. Even got some lady biker boots with a bit of a heel to get my feet even flatter on the floor
Foxxy, I learnt on a brand new Kawasaki ER6-n which was lowered by 50mm and my knee was bent a little bit with a flat foot on the floor and I am 5'7 with a 30 inside leg.

Just thought I would mention it as you could see if a sports bike you like can be lowered enough. For future reference of course!
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