New Ridge Racer 6 Content : xbox 360

15 Nov 2002
New Ridge Racer content is now on marketplace, imcluding music ($) and unlock keys for cars (free.)

Note: This content is available in the following regions: Canada, United States, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Japan

I downloaded those new cars about 2 weeks ago if not more using my USA version unless its been updated since then those are old news on the Marketplace.
Ol!ver said:
It'd be better if you could preview the music before paying for it :(

that goes for a lot of things on live, music, avaters etc :( they really need a thumbnail type system on there
cokecan72 said:
that goes for a lot of things on live, music, avaters etc :( they really need a thumbnail type system on there

I'm not too bothered about the free stuff, but for the paid for things yeah.
Firestar_3x said:
I downloaded those new cars about 2 weeks ago if not more using my USA version unless its been updated since then those are old news on the Marketplace.

No, some new unlock keys and music tracks are now available.
Before I go and ruin the game for myself, are the unlock keys ones that you can earn by playing throught the game anyway or are they seperate to the main game and just open up more cars?
lordrobs said:
Before I go and ruin the game for myself, are the unlock keys ones that you can earn by playing throught the game anyway or are they seperate to the main game and just open up more cars?

Think they may be separate, as I read that cars unlocked via the marketplace dont count towards any of the achievements you can get.
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