New Samsun Q80T - Faulty?

30 Sep 2008
Hello guys,

Just sense check this for me if you dont mind.

Brand new Samsung Q80T delivered today - there is 'dark section' in the centre left of the screen. Appears to me as if one of the backlighting LED's isn't functioning.

I've had a tinker with settings and can't find anything obvious to resolve it, have powered the TV off at the mains, etc etc.

Do you mind taking a look at the screenshot below and confirm I'm not being a moron?


Thats DSE (Dirty Screen Effect), quite common on LCD's unfortunately.

I'd return and hope you get a better panel next.
Thanks all, been in touch with JL and have a replacement coming Friday.

Appreciate the input, hadn't heard of DSE before.
Samsung have a reputation for dirty screen, my old 40 inch tv has it but its less severe and more spread out, good luck with its replacement. Hard to see how that got passes quality control.
I have just got a new Sony and the screen is spotless.
Really annoyingly, I've turned on the TV this morning and the problem has completely gone.

Probably still follow through with the exchange from JL as having the fault pop up has raised concerns.

Edit: and the plot thickens, after working all morning, now a different section of the screen has decided to go cloudy - what in the actual **** is going on. Will certainly be going through with the exchange now.
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