New Samsung Galaxy S6 Active

16 Dec 2013
Hi guys,

So my current phone contract runs out in August and naturally I've been checking out the options for an upgrade.

My current phone is an iPhone 5 and whilst I have enjoyed it and think the 6 looks good, I am kinda bored with iOS and would like to switch (back) to android if possible.

I like the look of HTC phones and would happily buy the one m9 but I like taking pictures and video on my phone and reading about the camera of the m9 really puts me off. I never liked the look of the Samsung Galaxy series tbh but today I saw a video on youtube of the new S6 active model and I think it looks really nice.

I've looked a little and it isn't out in the UK atm, and the S5 active never was released here. I'm just posting to basically ask you guys' thoughts on my choice and whether anyone knows any more about the Active or if you think it will be released here at some point.


Edit: youtube vid here
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