Yeah, I hope to get it moved to just below the featured products.

Just read the blurb there...if you can get it higher up all the better.

In all honesty good move on the Case front, pretty much an unrivalled selection on here now and some great case mods also. Much easier to navigate.
Could do new section under monitors for the not TN variety, can't abide reading every single new monitor (and old) details searching for what panel it is - MA, IPS, TN...
Sweet, because as daft as it sounds it used to take me ages find the case section lol.
Just couldn't see it most of the time for staring at it :P
Was hoping to see a new modding section. You need some more modding bits!

Yea a helpful sub section in the cases tab with subsections for each part would be very easy to navigate. Perhaps you could form a partnership with some graphics designers and offer custom paint jobs aswell?
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