New shoes?!

21 Oct 2004
Los Angeles
New shoes?! *WITH PICS*

Bought a set of Team Dynamics wheels today for the golf, i'm not sure of the model but they're 5 spoke 16's.


Quite a dodgey sounding story really...

An old guy in a leather jacket approached me in the car park and asked if I wanted to buy some alloys for a golf, so after i'd glanced around looking for a golf on bricks, I asked for more details.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I went to his house and found that they'd been dry stored for 3 or 4 years in his garage and that they came off his Golf when he sold it for his Passat, but unfortunately wouldn't fit on the Passat.
I whacked them on my car to see what they were like, took a spin round to make sure they were all alright and ended up buying them off him...for £70.

They have mitchelin rubbers and the wheels are pristine, absolutely no marks at all. I'm pretty chuffed as i've seen a similar set on eBay going for £150.

I'll get some photos in the morning when it's light and you can give me your views.


Okay, so I may as well turn this in to a thread showing how i've modded my motor, completely open for your slating and bad mouthing...

When I bought it, it looked like this:


Now it looks like this:



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hehe, it's legit - the tires had the glaze on them from being stored - plus I know where he lives, where he keeps his car etc.

Might pop in to the ammunation though ;) just in case
[TW]Fox said:
Whoa, your photography skills are great :eek:

Cheers mate :) (that's if you're not just digging at me :p)

And yeah, I know what u mean about the exhaust - i'm not keen either, but it's not bad for free, sounds cracking.

In the next few weeks im going to shorten the pipe and return it to a hidden tip.
haha, you bloody snoopers - thought i'd hidden the plates well :p

Im pretty happy with the car atm, like has been mentioned, it needs lowering - but insurance has a hold on that at the moment. It will be done in time though, aswell as 20mm spacers on the wheels to set them out a teenie bit more :)
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