New Silverstone cases.

6 Dec 2005
New Silverstone cases at Computex 2008.


Raven RV01




Mini-ITX cases

Pico-ITX cases

Grandia GD02

Crown CW-03

0_0 What on earth is that RV01? That looks very very weird.
FT-01 looks nice. I don't know whether I could handle the gold version, it looks a bit pricey.
The motherboard orientation on the top one (Raven RV01) is bizzare. All your DVi, audio and usb cables would exit the top of the case, wouldn't they. :confused:

And that Carbon looking mouse in the bottom pic looks sweet.
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Love the loooks of the RV01, but i agree the motherboard orientation place is weird but by the looks, would make better cooling for the system and cable management.
Looks a beast.

They're stealing our ideas! :p

I've certainly thought about mounting a motherboard that way round to make it easier for the heat to rise naturally upwards, and I'm surer there was a thread in here ages ago talking about it too.

I'm not sure about the exterior of it though, its a bit too angular. It almost makes me think of the centurions from battlestar gallactica for some reason.

As for the rest of the cases, I like the clean styles, especially on the smaller ones.

Tbh, the cables are the top of the case on the Raven looks to be a good idea for people who constantly chop and change their system.

Makes for very easy access.
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