New Sky Digibox

5 Apr 2003
I'm looking to replace our digibox, because it keeps freezing every so often and the reception is poor in bad weather. I dont really have much info on what the best boxes are to date so i was wondering if anyone could suggest some which are fast and reliable. Looking to spend no more than £100. Thanks, Nick.
Saint said:
I'm looking to replace our digibox, because it keeps freezing every so often and the reception is poor in bad weather. I dont really have much info on what the best boxes are to date so i was wondering if anyone could suggest some which are fast and reliable. Looking to spend no more than £100. Thanks, Nick.

Sounds more like a problem with the LNB or cable connections to the LNB. If this is the case a relacement box will not cure it.

SKY will come out and fix it for £65 including a replacement refurbished box if necessary. This is then guaranteed for three months.

If you want to DIY look for LNBs and boxes on ebay.
Hmmm... my digibox has always done that too. So it's not normal for the picture to freeze during bad weather then?
fish99 said:
Hmmm... my digibox has always done that too. So it's not normal for the picture to freeze during bad weather then?
No, that's not normal unless it's very bad weather.

You could get a bigger dish to improve reliability.

When my Sky box packed up I phoned Sky to "cancel" and they sent us a new box for free. ;)
I had picture problems in bad weather, but when I complained to the sky installer, they came and re'aligned the dish. I had already got a dish with a single LNB, and the installer just chucked up the Sky+ Quad LNB without doing a full alignment check. In bad weather I just lost all signal.

After I complained they just realigned the Quad LNB (which was heavier, and tends to bend the arm a little) and now I get perfect picture on all channels, come rain, snow, or even sunshine.
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