New Sofa vs Dog

29 Jan 2008
Saw this and thought of GD:

A man named Nigel recently placed an advert on Gumtree , putting his family's six-year-old Jack Russell up for sale.

The dog, which the family have had since she was just a puppy, apparently has to go because they've just had their house refurbished and don't want her to mess up the new furniture.


What a bunch of ****s.

Now they don't specify in the advert, other than mentioning that the sofa is "really expensive and leather" ( :D ), but my money is on it also being a corner sofa complete with recliners....
People get rid of dogs all the time , would it have made everybody less angry if they had lied and gave a reason people found more valid?

Well yeah, of course it would. It’s the lack of a valid reason that has made the ad go viral to begin with.

Someone say reluctantly rehoming a dog because it has say shown aggression towards their newborn baby or their kid has serious allergies or perhaps because it belonged to a relative who died and they can’t look after it etc... is fairly reasonable.
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