New sound card - Vista 64 - Budget £60ish

10 Aug 2006
Currently have a basic Creative Audigy 4 OEM, its pretty dated and a pain with windows vista. I've heard good things about the asus xonar cards have been looking at the:

Asus Xonar DX 7.1 PCI-Express Sound Card (Low Profile Compatible) - Retail

Just a few questions:

1) Will this fit in my Gigabyte P35C DS3R mobo alongside a Geforce 7900GTX?
2) Is it the best card for vista 64 in my price range?

The second pci-e slot (the smaller slot) is only just clear of the graphics cards heatsink. Is it a good idea to put the sound card this close to the graphics cards fan (practically restricting air intake)? Im beggining to wonder if I should go for the more expensive PCI version.
I didnt notice the other pcie slot behind the card, SlyReaper it would be brilliant if you could you let me know if it fits in alright, with it being so close to the northbridge.

P.s. If I ordered it and found it wouldnt fit then can I send it back once the package has been opened?
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Cheers fella, message recieved! Ill be ordering as soon as I have the funds :). Just one thing, does anyone know what the differences are between the (Other than the fact that they use different slots):

"Asus Xonar DX/XD 7.1 PCI-E Soundcard Low Profile"
"Asus Xonar D2 Ultra Fidelity 7.1 PCI Sound Card"
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