New Speaker Time!

28 Mar 2004
Cuirrently I have some labtec pulse 424 which are getting a little bit old I would say.

Thinking about getting an x-fi music thingy (the £60) soon, but right now its speakers.

Choices are

Altec Lansing - VS3151


Logitech Z 5400

now I understand the Altec Lansings have stero connecters for my dvd player, and the logitech have digital for it as well.

Question is, do I go for cheap and chearful and get the Altecs, or do I blow a bit of my student loan and get *** Logitech (and is it so worth blowing £150).

are the differences going to be that great. I play occasional games but listen to a lot of music mostly.
If you like playing a lot of music and only occasional games, I think you'd be happier with a 2.1 system. Obviously you'll get much better sound for your money that way. The Acoustic Energy Aego M 2.1 are probably your best bet for 2.1, though you could quite realistically get the Logitech Z-2300 (since you mention you are interested in the 5400 but they are a bit out of the price bracket).

It is also possible to get a decent second hand Hi-Fi speaker and amp setup for around £100 and this will perform best with music.

I don't really reccomend 5.1 systems on a budget. Most people don't have space to properly place the surround so the effect is poor, and you spend so much more for 5.1 that on a budget you seriously loose sound quality for it.
Go for seperates, second hand stereo integrated amplifer and Hi-Fi speakers will blow those out of the water for sound quality, can get pretty good setup for £150. I'm using a Rotel 920 integrated and B&W 601's. I've never bothered store music collection on the there is a good reason to :) although collection is on htpc as well
thing is I have my pc going out to my technics hi-fi for music sometimes. But for toehr times and games, I want something a bit newer, and hence why i was looking at 5.1 surround cus when I go back to uni, games may become important possibly.
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