New Spiderman 3 footage

23 May 2005
I dont know but its furry.
i was going to download this but its just too slow and i must get to bed...anyway why is the 720p version only slightly bigger, shouldnt it be atleast double the size?
I saw the clip in the cinema on Sunday and it looks good - but will probably forget about it over the next two months before its out
Wow, that was Cool. Never expect them to release a major scene like that, if they can afford to show that much away, the rest of the film must be FULL of other (even better) stuff.
Looks very cool :D

But more importantly that I just spotted, new Resi Evil film out this year :D

EDIT - doesnt look very good tho from the trailer :/
Not working for me either :(

edit: Found access to them here.

Looks good :) I loved the last two, lets hope this one keeps it going nicely.

edit2: apparantly not the same trailer...
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Welshy said:
Not working for me either :(

edit: Found access to them here.

Looks good :) I loved the last two, lets hope this one keeps it going nicely.
Are you sure? I can't find the trailer linked to on the first post on that site.

The 480p version of what I saw when the links were working is on the Usenet. All 7mins 31secs of it.
Sinopa said:
Are you sure? I can't find the trailer linked to on the first post on that site.

The 480p version of what I saw when the links were working is on the Usenet. All 7mins 31secs of it.
Well there's a trailer for the film if you follow the "Enter Site" link on the page i posted, but i dont think it's 7 minutes long! My bad, i just assumed since it was the same site..
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