New ‘Starship Troopers’ Neill Blomkamp

I imagine this might get some backlash from those not familiar with the source material, as much as I loved the 1997 movie it wasn't the most accurate depiction from what I remember, I don't think Paul Verhoeven even bothered to finish the book.

Looking forward to it regardless, Blomkamp has knocked it out of the park with this sort of thing before.
I am absolutely shuddering with anticipation. It will be challenging to adapt as I don't see how the best parts can survive outside of a longer form such as the book but I'm totally here for it. More people need Heinlein's vision in their lives, I think zoomers in particular will appreciate it if it can survive adaptation.
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He was supposed to be working on an Alien 5 movie at one point as well, so until it's in production I won't get excited
That never really got out of concept. There might have been talks but I believe he didn’t want to put to much work into it incase it got rugged. Scott was still working on films
Are film makers getting bankrupt of ideas? One unwanted remake after the next. All of them are not a patch on the original. The last time I enjoyed a reboot was The Thing. There has maybe been a couple of greats such as the above and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but anything recently, such as Robocop, Total Recall and many more which I barely remember.
Are film makers getting bankrupt of ideas? One unwanted remake after the next. All of them are not a patch on the original. The last time I enjoyed a reboot was The Thing. There has maybe been a couple of greats such as the above and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but anything recently, such as Robocop, Total Recall and many more which I barely remember.
Dune says hello.

I think it's important to recognise the distinction between remaking a movie and making another adaptation of a book.
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Having never read the book I for one am only interested in how it compares against the 1st film which is quite rightly a cult classic, I have a feeling where this will go the way of Robocop and Total Recall reboots which isn't a high bar to say the least
Having never read the book I for one am only interested in how it compares against the 1st film which is quite rightly a cult classic, I have a feeling where this will go the way of Robocop and Total Recall reboots which isn't a high bar to say the least
It's very different, a lot of the book is essentially explaining Heinlein's personal philosophy/making a case for how the military has the potential to shape you and society like nothing else. The rest is talking about the particulars of power suits and their management and pretty girls in skirts. The bugs almost don't even feature.
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Cant see them topping this classic, starship troopers was just so well made it had the perfect pacing with action, comedy and gore.

Dune remake was great probably the only one that was done well last few decades it feels, and that is since the original they were trying to squash 2-3 movies into one.
Cant see them topping this classic, starship troopers was just so well made it had the perfect pacing with action, comedy and gore.

Dune remake was great probably the only one that was done well last few decades it feels, and that is since the original they were trying to squash 2-3 movies into one.
I dunno, it's just got to be really quite different to avoid apples:apples comparisons, which shouldn't be too hard as the "original" is a serious departure from the source. Of course sticking to the source has challenges of its own but Neil Blomkamp has a pretty unique style that will undoubtedly add a distinctive flavour that could work.
I dunno, it's just got to be really quite different to avoid apples:apples comparisons, which shouldn't be too hard as the "original" is a serious departure from the source. Of course sticking to the source has challenges of its own but Neil Blomkamp has a pretty unique style that will undoubtedly add a distinctive flavour that could work.

True, did enjoy district 9.

I feel like a starship troopers tv series may have been the better idea.
As others have said, including the article linked, this is not a remake or a reboot of the first film... not that it would be a particularly bad move, given how often someone has done a film or TV show about the Three/Four Musketeers.

The first film didn't even start out as an adaptation of the book. It was only redirected that way to secure funding. Verhoeven also didn't want to make an adaptation, but his job was to direct the screenplay, so he created a multi-level genius satire to reflect his dislike of the more serious ideas in the book.

This new film could be brilliant if done right and if it follows the book better, but will suffer from comparisons to the first. The first also suffered from comparisons to films like Aliens (1986) which had drawn a lot of inspiration from the book and so done a lot of things already - It will be even harder for Blomkamp to get over that hurdle.
My experience is the film, I didn’t even know it was based off books till many years later

First film was great b-movie fun, they did kill off dizzy far too soon though, ******** ha

Sequels got worse however not even bad good just bad.

I’ll keep eye on this but also not sure we need a reboot of the original leave it be
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