New stuff isn't new anymore?

4 Sep 2005
I'm sure a lot of you know what I'm talking about but this re-recording of Walk This Way has pushed me over the edge.

Why is it that lately loads of the new films/music being released are just remakes? It's a lot more apparent in film, but the so called Comic Relief single is a prime example of a classic being ruined. I know it's subjective as to whether you like it or not but I'm not liking all these new covers. I think McFly did Don't Stop Me now? Same thing happened there.

Maybe it's because I have a particular affinity for older music, and original music that I get so distressed by this. Maybe it's just me being a snob. :o

Just wondered if anyone else had similar feelings..
There's plenty of new music and new films being made. For music especially, you just have to scratch beneath the surface and look past what is currently being shoved down Joe Public's throat that particular week.

EDIT: It is annoying though. I got particularly peeved when i heard Ronan Keating had covered 'Iris' (as did some on these forums)... more and more annoyed when he was all over the TV performing and milking it for all it's worth.
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Scam said:
EDIT: It is annoying though. I got particularly peeved when i heard Ronan Keating had covered 'Iris' (as did some on these forums)... more and more annoyed when he was all over the TV performing and milking it for all it's worth.
That was bad, but Walk This Way is sacred, and really shouldn't have been allowed.
Gilly said:
That was bad, but Walk This Way is sacred, and really shouldn't have been allowed.
Aye so true. I don't mind LOOKING at Girls Aloud and Sugababes but why murder this classic song?!:mad: The girl's voices sounded so weak and quiet compared to the original.
Gilly said:
That was bad, but Walk This Way is sacred, and really shouldn't have been allowed.

Which one?
I presume you mean the Run DMC one with Aerosmith?
Funny thing is when that came out I had exactly the same feelings because I remember the original 70's one from Toys in The Attic.
dmpoole said:
Which one?
I presume you mean the Run DMC one with Aerosmith?
Funny thing is when that came out I had exactly the same feelings because I remember the original 70's one from Toys in The Attic.
Of course, not all covers are bad, but no-one is ever going to improve on the Run DMC version :)
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