New summer leathers

12 Sep 2012
East Sussex
any suggestions i have had berik 2 piece for the last 7 years but they finaly have had their day, zips, stitching. I hate RST with a passion so i will not touch them.

so any recommendations?
I had frank thomas / hein gerik < not sure on the spelling for winter some years back i wasn't overly impressed with them. but maybe thigns have moved on since 2007?
Keep an eye out at shows, rallies, festivals and so on that are local to bike accessories shops. Many have a stall to flog "last season's" kit, brand new, at insane prices - Both my jackets should have been £180 new, but were sold off for £30 a piece!!

bargin! the only event i go to is the ace to brighten run and hastings may day both have well passed but i guess i could wait till jan sales
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