new system advice please

25 Feb 2006
Ok getting a new system and need some final advice. Firstly I am going to water cool it and would like to overclock it so that I can get the best out of the system. Have been considering the following cpu.s X2 dual core 4200 or opteron 170. My questions are

Which one will give the best overclock and maybe even 4800 speeds

Which motherboard and memory is the best for overclocking. Have been reading about dfi boards but advice would be appreciated. A passively cooled northbridge would be nice. Also not overly expensive ram as going to put in 2gb

What is the best case psu combination available for quiet operation and overclocking.

Instead of the 4200+ X2, go for the OEM 3800+. People have been getting good overclocks with this chip (about 2.5GHz). The DFI board is the best overclockable board but can be a pain to set up. The G.Skill HZ memory is supposedly pretty good for overclocking too, but if your not willing to spend much on 2GB RAM, the Geil value clocks better than the value name suggests.
OK according to anandtech the Asus A8R32-MVP Deluxe is an EXCELLENT board and looks potentially to be the best clocker. It's also easier to clock because you don't need to worry about the Hyper transport until you hit at least 300 HTT ( a 50% HTT overclock ) (it's designed to go to 1500 wheras NF4 gives up at normally about 1100). Asus have also taken the complaints people had about the origonal MVP and covered them all - not that the complaints from the origonal board where actually THAT bad, just hardcore clocker's not likely a couple of restrictions. It also has the excellent HD audio so a sound card isn't required unless your really an audiophile. It's also 100% passivly cooled ( passive NOT heatpipe ).

So that's the board sorted. PSU a Tagan TG530-U15 530W ATX2.01 Easycon SLi Compliant Modular Silent PSU will do you fine, I use the 430W and love it, as you plan on overclocking I've pushed that as a safety margin although I don't believe you really need it.

The Geil Value Ram is excellent, beyond around 220HTT you'll have to either drop it's speed or timings and it won't go as far as either 4000 or hardcore overclockers ram but it's very good stable performing ram and an excellent price at about £100 for 2gig.

You didn't mention Graphics but I'm assuming your going either X1800XT (which is a bargain on this week only) or X1900XT as they are both excellent performers for a brilliant price and will complement your project nicely.

Case I'm happy with my Antec, decent enough space in side and a nice over CPU grill and pipe allows the CPU fan to draw cool air in direct from outside.
Thanks for the advice. Graphics wise was thinking of going the nvidia route but will see. One more thing anyone got advice on a case with a window so I can see if my watercooling leaks etc

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