new system build need help

29 Dec 2014
Hi guys
its time for an upgrade for me.

I have a pretty good budget of £1900

I would like a skylake system
I5 6600K
and for some reason i have really taken a shine to the Gigabyte 980Ti G1 Gaming card
would like M.2 ssd for windows to go on.
as for the rest i really cant decide what to get.
its been a few years since my last build so i am a tad rusty and a lot has changed to.
also want to go for water cooled CPU
would like a window in case and maybe a few few prettys not fussed on colors.

so guys get ya thinking caps on , I do want to overclock , BUT have never done it before , so ill just have to learn.
this is a tower only dont need screen , or anything else have an Os

thank in advance for any advise
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Not knowing anything about the x99 , what makes then so special?
I have a friend that keeps saying get one. I ask him for his help and like me he knows bugger all about them , just says they are the best out at the mo/
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