New system score

12 Aug 2005
Team 10
WOOOOOOOOO my system arrived :D :D *slight happiness*

Anyways, I was wondering what the 3Dmark scores are like for the system?

AMD X2 4200 @ stock
X1900 master card 512MB @ stock
Asus A8R-MVP
1GB Crucial DDR 2700 RAM

3Dmark05 - 10052
3Dmark06 - 5409

They're worlds away from my scores with my previous sytem regardless :D
.DevastatioN said:
Not really the best through, the ram is old, and you should've bought a 4000/4400, I wouldn't suggest the 4200, but its nice.

You mean a 3800 perhaps?

Sounds about right, as stated above though I'd invest in some new ram when possible.
True some more/better RAM will be my next idea.

When you compare it to my last system of an AMD XP 2000+ and a K7S5A with X700 128MB AGP card, its kinda better :p
.DevastatioN said:
Not really the best through, the ram is old, and you should've bought a 4000/4400, I wouldn't suggest the 4200, but its nice.

Why my 4200 is at 2.8 and its fine! and iirc people are having problems overclocking the 4400.
Maybe he didnt have the money for a 4400 + if hes not gonna overclock he will want a 4200 over an 3800.
some people get lucky with the 4400's though, i was at a LAN th other week and a lad had his @ 3.2GHz on air. I saw CPU-Z running, and the temps. he has a monster :(
volt9291 said:
Why my 4200 is at 2.8 and its fine! and iirc people are having problems overclocking the 4400.

I could only get my 4400 to 2.65 - it was prime stable but fell down after running F@H for a couple of days :(

Wish I'd saved a few bob and got a 3800 or a 4200.

Stan :)
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