New system

8 Jun 2006
Just sorted all the bits out for a new system - any idea of omissions/mismatches I have messed up on (and need to return/change) before proper building commences!

It'll mainly be used for the usual t'interweb/office tasks/casual gaming style thing

The spec is:-

Lian-Li PC7 case containing...
AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (Retail pack with Cooler etc.)
ASUS K8N5X Mobo (PCI-E, SATA, Onboard GBIT LAN + Sound)
ASUS EN7600GT PCI-E Graphics card
1GB Memory (2x512MB sticks for dual channel operation)
LG Dual Layer DVD-RW
WD Caviar 250GB SATA-II 16MB Cache HDD (Jumpered to work on SATA-I as that's all the Mobo supports)
550W PSu (Can't remember brand, but it seemed quite heavy, which is always a good sign!)

And maybe (demending on what the onboard sound is like) a Soundblaster Live 1024 - old but might sound better than what's there.

Peripherals consist of:-

Microsoft 5 button 6000 Laser mouse
Microsoft Digital media keyboard
Logitech X-230 2.1 Speakers
Epson R-220 Printer (6 colour, borderless and prints CD's too)
a 19" TFT of some variety, not too sure yet but would prefer DVI capable (any suggestions?)


It looks ok to me, although make sure the PSU is a good brand, read reviews on it. Also, maybe try to squeeze a 7900 gt graphics card or an X1800 as the 7600 cards are pretty weak, even for casual gaming.

There are some well priced cards in there :)

Finally, try to stretch the budget to include the 3700 athlon if you can. The extra on chip cache will be useful.
i disagree, i think the 7600 GT is a good card, (at least from what people have said about it) if you are on a budget, or are looking to game 'casually' without playing on max settings etc, then the 7600GT is fine......

but if you can then as mentioned try and squeeze out an x1800xt, as this is a very good card for the price, and i've heard nothing but praise for it....., yeah you can get an athlon 3700+ OEM for dead cheap, and then pick up a freezer 64 as its the bees knees :)
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