New Thompson digibox but no remote eye support?

18 Oct 2002
Wellington, NZ
Hey, i've just got a Thompson digibox off a friend as it is so much better than the 1st gen box we had from Panasonic. However the remote eye doesn't seem to work in my room anymore.

There are 2 RF out's just like on the old box. Anything I can do?

that's brilliant mate! The RF outlet was off. Cheers.

One more thing though, the picture is a bit snowy, so i think theres a short on the connector downstairs as it's seen better day. How is it meant to go together though?

Ive put the core through the middle but where should the outer copper shield stuff go? I thought I had done it right as the normal TV channels are crystal clear but these the sky channel isn't ( and I have the ariel running through the downstairs sky box too)

hiya, yeah it's that connector but i lost that golden bit so connect straight to the outside.

Do you tune the box via that secret menu too?


Edit: the picture is clear on the downstairs tv? and I did retune upstairs but this is the best it gets :confused:
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