new to folding

25 May 2009
i've downloaded this
i've configured to use multicore smp on cpu and gpu0 on the gpu.
is this all i need to do?
also i want to start 2 or 3 computers folding does it all count towards my ppd?
what is our team number?
where do i go to find my total ppd.

also how do i get a passkey?
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i've got 3 core 2 duo going and 1 gpu i can't use the other due to being intel onboard, i've hopefully got another core 2 duo coming and i have an 8800gtx sitting at home waiting for the core 2 duo, i also have an i7 920 but i need to fit the watercooling.
hopefully be racking up the points soon.

First welcome, sounds like you have made a good start.

OK Our team number is Team 10
You can track our team stats here
Passkey info here

And yes if you use the same username it all counts towards the one account, even safer with passkey :)

i can't find my user name on that website, do i just have to wait for it to be updated.
i started folding at midnight last night.

Edit .. i found my name on stanfords website i'm sure it'll be updated in time
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just nabbed myself a nice six core amd cpu and motherboard cheap.
is there a list of compatible hardware somewhere? i'm trying to buy a couple of second hand gpus, i am assuming that nvidea gpu's are best, i currently have a 5870 is that worth folding on?
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