New to IS, am I doing it right?

6 Sep 2008
By the sea, West Sussex
Hi Peeps,

I got my 70-200 f/2.8 IS II, and it's the first IS lens I've used (apart from my kit lens and I'm convinced the IS did nothing, even more convinced now)

I focus on a back button and am I right in saying that the IS is only active when focusing? If so, should I be holding the back focus down whilst releasing the shutter?

Also, does IS have a noticeable effect on battery life? I'm not bother as it seems great, just want to be prepared.
Ah, can I ask you a question then??

I found yesterday that if at the longer end of the zoom and I'm almost in focus and tried to refocus, that the image would briefly 'blip' and wobble almost like the IS resetting or something.

Does yours do this? At about under about 110-120-ish I never noticed it.
I was shooting around F4 too if that helps.
I find the focusing depth a little too shallow at 2.8 and my camera doesn't always keep up enough if subjet it not static.

I'll keep and eye on it, it wasn't doing it yesterday so maybe it was a fresh out of the box thing.
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