New to me Bike



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
Pick this up at 6.30pm. More over engineered Japanese metal for me. :D

1997 Honda VFR750R, Been in same family for 11 years, Straight out the box bog standard never been messed with. Showing 54K or 33000miles so just been run in. Double bubble screen/Upgraded rectifier/Single seat cowel & a Scottoiler fitted & he has a rack I can have. Comes with Untold paperwork All the old MOT's & receipts for everything including a Valve check @28k with the reading/measurements written down on the reciept. :cool:

Malcs Mile Muncher :D

Yer baby :cool:
Cheers Guys, I should have put just over 12 months MOT & 7 months tax & adding it to my existing policy cost me 8 quid as the dude waved the 25 quid admin fee. :D
Just got back in, To say I am chuffed with the bike is a Massive understatement. It rides Perfect, Only thing I can fault it on is the throttle needs adjusting up a tad as there's a slight bit of slack. I took it well easy but within half hour my confidence grew & I was running along at nice average speeds, Going through bends at the casual speeds I was going it just rode itself, Dips into bends lovely & after an hour & a half in the saddle I got off feeling sweet. I will adjust the throttle in the morning & adjust the rear brake lever down a tad to make it easier to access, Back brake is really strong not like my ZX7R at all, S'pose that's down to it being a Sports Tourer rather than an out an out missile.
I'll be up with the Larks tomorrow, Small tweaks then off out on a Mega run. :cool:

Lastly - She's a Keeper. :D
Will be selling the BMW to offset the cost of the VFR. Had the BMW for about 11 months now I think it is, Been great to me & will be great for the next owner as well I'm sure of it, Just got to find the new owner now. :p

Main reason I swapped to the VFR is for a more long distance touring bike with a screen I can hide behind. With me being 6ft5 & sitting bolt upright on the BMW anything over 60-70 get's a bit tiresome after a while because of the wind/wind noise.
I've already been up to good cruising speeds on the VFR, dropped myself into a nice cozy position & could stay there for hours. :cool:
Done 13 months on 1T's then my DAS last April I think it was. Then got the ZX7R did a 1000 miles on it & couldn't get comfortable & the bike was way beyond me so Death beckoned, I held my hands up to the mistake & got rid & got the BMW. Had that 11 months & it's been perfect giving me time to build my road craft without risking my life as often. :p

I think now with me choosing my 3rd bike & having more experience I think I've chose well considering what I want to do with it.

The VFR is the 5th bike including my 2 x 125's, Like anything else you get better the more times you do it. :p
Weirdly the VFR was put in my head years & years ago, I did some Property maintenance with an old mate of mine & a few private jobs, One was on this rich Yarpys old farm house. Out back he had a long heated shed type garage with a collection of bikes in it fit for a show, Some real old bikes & some late ones which he & his missus used regularly to go Europe on. As he watched me drooling over all the shineys he casually said they he had never owned a better bike than his VFR750, Out of all the bikes he had owned & ridden he said the VFR was the best all rounder & the most comfotable & suitable for long miles. On top of that they are bullit proof & ultra reliable as long as you upgrade the rectifier.
So long story short all these years later now I need a tourer I chose the VFR on what that dude said & on what I've read since. So off I went searching for a good gen example to sit on to make sure I weren't bent double like on the ZX7R, All seemed good so here we are. Only time will tell if all this adds up to success or fail though. :p
Clearances were checked at 28k Thankfully but then I do get on well with my local bike mechanic as it's my other mates cousin so he is classed as a Mate & won't take the **** if I want owt doing. :cool:

Been out for a 3 hour run this morning with a fuel & fag break in between. Bikes mint, Runs a treat & I'm ready for another 3 hour run 30 mins later. :p
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