New to PC gaming

17 Mar 2025
Hi, I’ve never ever owned a gaming PC. Always had consoles and recently I’ve been wanting to play old ps2 games on a 80inch TV with enhanced graphics and performance. Im wanting to play scarface.

My question is, what pc should I buy that’s already pre build that fits my criteria?

Was the first emulator I found. Check the hardware requirements but I think any new pc with an igpu or basic GPU will be fine. A used pc would probably be fine, the requirements do not seem onerous.
Hello, Overclockers do lots of different systems varying in price etc. As a previous user has suggested to run the PCX2 emulator you will not need much processing power at all. I can no reason why something like this wouldn't meet your requirements.

If you want to spend more money you will get a better pc of course which will allow to play PC only titles if you are interested at all.

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