New to pc upgrades

28 Jan 2021
Hi all please excuse my novice know how but can anyone recommend ram for a HP desktop Edoras motherboard

I am looking at 2x16gb but not sure on the MHz mother board spec says 2666mhz is this my limit?
Also keep reading about different CL’s?
Ignore the spec sheet and buy whatever is cheapest in your chosen capacity that’s rated for PC-21300 (2666Mhz) or above. The board may not run it at full speed, but at worst it will run it at 21300.
You might want to check that memory speed is adjustable in the BIOS, because if it's not, you have to pick more carefully, since some memory will default to 2133. Otherwise, I'd do what's been said above and just buy whatever is cheapest.

By the way, if you haven't checked, your board probably only has 2 slots.
Don't think it matters because your motherboard is apparently limited to 2666 Mhz anyway, so if you buy e.g. a 3000 Mhz kit, it'll just downclock it to standard timings.
Thanks venomx that I do know haha it was just confusing on the MHz and the cl numbers there are a lot of conflicting posts on line but you guys have helped me loads thanks ram ordered
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