New to RaidZ and ZFS. Need Advice

27 Nov 2008
OK so im new to linux based raid.
Im building a custom freenas box and also have a hp microserver which i would also like as a NAS.

I want speed and redundancy so i know the custom box will easily be capable of running ZFS and raidz as its spec is as follows:

Zotac H55ITX-C-E
I3 530
2 x 2GB 7-7-7-20 1333Mhz OCZ
4 x 2TB 7200RPM Hitachi Deskstars
1 x 2.5" 7200RPM drive for Freenas
Chenbro ES34169

The HP Microserver is:

AMD Athlon II Model NEO N36L (2 core, 1.30 GHz, 1MB L2, 15W)
2 x 2GB
4 x 1TB Seagate 7200.12
1 x 2.5" 7200RPM Drive for Freenas

Now will the HP be able to run raidz and ZFS?

Also i want to lose as little as possible space (1 disk) but what raidz do i need to use to accomplish that?
thanks for that mate, so with 4gb of ram and 7200rpm drives i may be able to saturate my gigabit network as long as the raidz isnt too much for the CPU.

I want to turn the zotac box into a multitude of boxes using VM if possible you see. So if the HP can handle raids and ZFS and get me to saturate my network then i can do that.
right guys i have got the HP microserver up and running tonight and upgraded it to 4GB.
Installed Freenas 8 RC4 onto a usb drive and have created a volume using 3 x 2tb drives as ZFS and what?

in volumes i see /mnt/HP NAS now but it seems i need to do something else to enable it.
I configured CIFS to my network but from my windows pc's i cant see the nas.

Please post responses in my new dedicated thread for this.
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