New to SFF

19 Dec 2005
Manchester, England
Hi All,

I'm thinking of going from a Coolermaster Wavemaster to a SFF such as a shuttle. (I really need to save some deskspace.)

My current System is as follows:

AMD64 3500+
Asus A8V Rev.2 Deluxe
2 x 512 Corsair XMS3200XL Pro TwinX
Geforce 3 Ti500 (Yes I know but I only play Doom2 and a bit of CS)
SB Audigy 2 ZS 7.1 THX
Enermax PSU

Now what from that lot above can I salvage a fit into a Shuttle?

All I want to be able to do on the system is browse the net, Copy DVD's, Play Doom2 and CS, and that pretty much is it.

Also can anyone recommend which Shuttle (or Alternative) to get?

Many thanks for any help.
Thanks for the help dude, I do intend on buying a SATA Drive so thats that covered.
I think i'll loose the DVD-ROM and just keep the DVD-RW

And I like the look of the ST20G5 which has an onboard GFX?

I guess I have kind of answered my own post, is there anything else I need to know though?
Goes to high 30's on a smoke filled screen, although that is at 1360*768 (HDTV) and high smoke detail.

All in all i'm really really impressed with it, now I can see what all the fuss is about with SFF, looks really sweet on my desk with the 26" HDTV and Xbox360 :D
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