New to streaming: tips please, especially on privacy

1 Apr 2014
I'd like to dip my toe into streaming. I've set up an account on Twitch, set up OBS Studio, and successfully done a test stream. So far so good. But I want to hide my Steam / Epic / Origin / etc details (which are sometimes my real name) and they sometimes appear in-game. Obviously I'd like them to match the name of my stream when they do appear.

Other basic dos and don'ts would be most welcome.
Fame and fortune would be nice but I'm looking to do it for fun. I'm retired and have no wish to spend umpteen hours a day working. Good tip on the family thing.
if your personal info is already out there and discoverable in any way whatsoever,

It's far too late for that. I was online in the innocent days when people used their real names and I'm on Quora under my real name. I've always been careful about what I've said, though. That's a big reason why I want to keep my streaming separate.

don't do personal stuff on the same windows install as your streaming so you can't accidentally leak it.

I'm only looking to do this casually, not professionally!
One tip I did get from a mate was to have a second monitor which is never streamed from and a different size/res so you can instantly tell if you screw up.

Yup. I've had three monitors for many years. I intend to game on one, with OBS on another and chat on the third.
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