New to this folding thing

20 Sep 2006
Hi guys. I have just followed the install instructions on the folding@home site and now have 4 cpu executables running all working away so one on each core :)

My machine is an i5 750 @ 3.4GHz/4GB/ATi 5850. I have input team number 10 (as said in the sticky).

Just wanted to ask a quick question, they currently say they are on about 7/250 for their current WU. If I were to turn my computer off, does that mean it would have to start all over again?
You wouldn't have to start from the beginning however, are you running 4 of the systray (uniprocessor) clients?

If you are have a read though the thread by belial that should give you a guide on installing the Smp client.
Yes I am. I like that I can control them quite easily, choose how many I have going. Why would u want to use the other one?
The SMP client will give you far better results than any number of uniprocessor clients, especially after you've completed ten WUs and start getting bonus points. You must get a passkey before starting the client in order to get the bonus points.

All the clients store checkpoint data every 15 minutes (by default) so you won't lose more than a percent or two if you restart the PC.
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