6 Jun 2006 at 23:58 #1 R^T R^T Associate Joined 18 Jan 2003 Posts 1,571 Location Nottingham Hey guys. Bough WOW today and I am installing it atm (5 disks!!!) Just wondering what tips you guys can give me? And how long will it take to update it? I am guessing that there is a big patch and stuff. Thanks
Hey guys. Bough WOW today and I am installing it atm (5 disks!!!) Just wondering what tips you guys can give me? And how long will it take to update it? I am guessing that there is a big patch and stuff. Thanks
7 Jun 2006 at 17:35 #35 R^T R^T Associate OP Joined 18 Jan 2003 Posts 1,571 Location Nottingham Im going to jump on the Wow bandwagon again, no other game has really filled that void Click to expand... S7rider if you are ganna get into WOW you fancy meeting up so we can lvl up together? Thanks
Im going to jump on the Wow bandwagon again, no other game has really filled that void Click to expand... S7rider if you are ganna get into WOW you fancy meeting up so we can lvl up together? Thanks