new tv - change me my mind

1 May 2006
Im ready to buy the

Panasonic TX-55MZ980B.​

I am only going to be using this for films, (blu-ray watching) and the odd netflix stylee tv show.

Is it overkill ?? Anything I should know before I drop the cash ? I have tried to research it as much as possible without going OTT. - The room will not be super brightly lit and the set won't be in direct sunlight, thats all I can mention :)
Im ready to buy the

LG OLED Evo C3.​

I am only going to be using this for films, (blu-ray watching) and the odd netflix stylee tv show.

Is it overkill ?? Anything I should know before I drop the cash ? I have tried to research it as much as possible without going OTT. - The room will not be super brightly lit and the set won't be in direct sunlight, thats all I can mention :)

FTFY. :)
Im ready to buy the

Panasonic TX-55MZ980B.​

I am only going to be using this for films, (blu-ray watching) and the odd netflix stylee tv show.

Is it overkill ?? Anything I should know before I drop the cash ? I have tried to research it as much as possible without going OTT. - The room will not be super brightly lit and the set won't be in direct sunlight, thats all I can mention :)

No. It's too small. Remember when you watch movies you'll have 90% in black borders so that TV appears like 14" in size ;)

Put on Spartacus Kirk Douglas , Ben hue or fall of Roman empire, on your TV and see how big those borders are.

Best to go for 150" oled, just to be sure.
Also if he gets a 77" he can then wind me up as I've only got a 65"that hes got s bigger TV than me.

That's worth the ticket price alone don't you think.
I recently (moved it into another room)replaced our Kuro 60 with an LG 65" C2 and it looks so much smaller because of no bezel or massive side speakers.

I've been massively impressed with the LG's and defo a convert
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I have heard a lot of good thing about LG lately, there do seem to be quite a few fans on the forum.
I will consult with SWMBO
I recently bought an LZ980 to replace a Panasonic plasma.
It's a very bright room so there can be issues with brightness but I no more so than my old TV

Filmmaker mode has great out the box settings, which are still the best of all the manufacturers. It does lose out in some other aspects to the C2 but it depends on priorities.
eARC works flawlessly with my Denon receiver and there an added benefit of direct control of a Panny blu-ray player, so basically a 1 remote solution as auto switching works so well on the amp.

Go for it I'd say.
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