New TV: Panasonic TX-P42S30B / TX-P42UT30B or something else?

30 Jul 2003
Hi all, don't venture in here too often and hope people aren't fed up of 'spec me' TV threads.

I'm looking to buy a new TV:

- Small-ish living room and thought 37" to 42" would be about right
- I don't have a set budget but it seems like £500 will get a decent set and I'm comfortable paying that much
- Main use will be DVD/Blu-Ray, Xbox 360 and some Freeview (HD here in April). We don't watch a lot of TV or sport.
- iPlayer would be good
- Not particularly interested in 3D

LCD TVs in around this size and budget seem to be reviewed as being a bit slow/blurry and for the Xbox 360 am I right in thinking a Plasma would be better?

I had my eye on the Panasonic TX-P42S30B and it's just dropped by about £20 on the site I was looking at (to £465), however I've also just noticed the TX-P42UT30B for about £35 more. The main difference seems to be the UT is 3D whereas the S has a "Mono filter" (not sure what this is), both seem to have iPlayer.

I like Panasonic as a brand but would consider others if there's anything else I should be considering? Do I need to spend more or are these sets good?
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Thanks Radiation. From a bit of Googling the "Mono filter" on the S30 is apparently a bit of an anti-glare thing (if the poster is to be believed). Might have to venture out and see if any shops local have them on display.

Do you game on your G30? How have you found it?
Thanks chaps. The ST30 does look like a good buy actually, includes an extra rear HDMI over the S30 too. Even if I don't plan on using the 3D aspect it looks like a better buy.
Any feedback / review once you've tried it out would be appreciated, more of a curiosity than something that would affect my purchase but one thing nobody seems to review is the record to USB functionality - wondering if it's serviceable on the odd occasion we want to record something (which is rare tbh with our TV viewing and iPlayer).

A certain department store has them for £599 with 5 year warranty but out of stock at the moment.
Had a look at some sets today in the local retail park stores, probably not the best setup to check things out but the blacks on the ST30 (and other neo panels) sure did look black.
Just ordered an ST30 (not from aforementioned scam site :) I must add) for £599 inc 5 year warranty, looking forward to getting it hooked up.

Just to clarify if anyone else is reading this the ST30 _doesn't_ include recording to USB according to the Panasonic website, you need to step up to the G or V units for that feature. The USB on the low to mid range devices is for playing back media, using the optional wifi dongle or presumably on the "T" (3D) sets charging the glasses.

Now just to get a Blu Ray player, thinking the Panasonic 110 would be a good match.
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