New TV recommendations



12 Sep 2009
Hi guys,

My living room TV went bang last night. It was an 8 year old 32" Samsung so it served its time well.

I'm looking for a TV with a budget of +/-£500. I'm not that great when it comes to TV's so thought I would ask here for help.

My requirements are something 45"+, long warranty, Full HD, 3.5mm headphones output. I mainly use the TV to watch IPTV using Kodi and sometimes Netflix.

I would appreciate any suggestions. By looking on John Lewis I found some that look interesting to me.

Thanks guys, saw another samsung for 349 but it's 43".

is an extra 5" worth the extra £150?
is it the same model number?

if not the £150 is not just the extra size but might also be because its a better panel
^ what Paul said. All panels are not created equally - some are much better than others. You don't want to go shopping by size alone. Although bigger is better!
i've bought the 40" H6400 and to be fair, it's a stunning set for the money. I got fedup of faults with my 50CX802 so after sending three back, went with the sammy as a temp measure until i see what 2016 brings.

eventually the 40 will go in the kitchen but its that good i'm tempted to go get the 48 for the lounge now and just stick with it.
Except I've gone through two of them. They're atrocious.

luck of the draw. which size did you get?

lot's of people have had bad ZT65's doesn't meant it's atrocious.

with anything mass produced there will be some defective ones.

it's reviewed very highly at the £900 mark. although there can be differences between sizes of panel. if the op can stretch i would go for the 55" model for a little bit more. it could be that the 55" panel is superior to the smaller models.

£750 for 55" is very cheap for a panel that reviews so highly


The Sony KDL-55W805C is largely a sideways move from last year’s W829 Bravia, but that’s no criticism of the former, because the latter has set quite a high bar as far as large-screen HDTVs go. Images on the W805C looked positively absorbing owing to deep blacks and wonderfully realistic colour palette (that’s able to saturate reds fully, unlike its predecessor), although 3D remained half-res (just like its predecessor).
The Sony W80C’s input lag was roughly one frame higher than the 2013 and 2014 Sony 1080p TVs, but for most owners this should still feel addictively fluid. Available at a street price of below £900 at time of publication, the KDL55W805 represents tremendous value for money when it comes to picture quality.
Would it not be more beneficial to go for a 4k set ? For future proofing and Netflix 4k ?

Something like this Panasonic Viera TX-48CX400B LED 4K Ultra-HD 3D Smart TV, 48" with Freeview HD and Built-In Wi-Fi for £519 ?

nope. we have already had the 4k debate in another thread. have a search for it.

currently they are pretty much pointless.

by the time most people are watching 4k content there will be far superior tv's around and for a lot cheaper.

OLED is also making waves. so no such thing as future proofing. also cheap 4k panels are worse than premium 1080p panels.

best to go for a good 1080p than a crap 4k.
luck of the draw. which size did you get?

That same one you linked to. First one had horrendous backlight clouding, second one a component inside started clicking for no reason. Both had numerous software problems, performance issues etc.

Great picture quality (on the second one) but not worth enduring the various issues and niggles for.
i Think a lot of people are going for the sammy H6400 I have 40 and 48" There great budget TV's. We be keeping ours for few years until we see what happens with 4K. So if you want a decent TV that's not going to break the bank and still have a nice pic and features go with the H6400
Just wanted to update this thread. I picked up the samsung recommended by thevoice. So far it's good. Thank you!
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